
MAKİSAN MAKİNE, founded by Yusuf KURT in 2004 after his 20 years of experience in the sector, mainly engages in machining with CNC machines.

Makisan || Metal Processing Techniques and Precision Details
Makisan || Metal Processing Techniques and Precision Details

January 9, 2024

Metal Processing Techniques and Precision Details

Metal machining is one of the key steps in industrial production and machining is an important part of it. However, machining is not just a method used to shape metal. Different techniques such as cutting, bending and forging are also used to bring the metal into the desired form. For example, the forging process increases the temperature of the metal, allowing us to obtain a more durable and dense structure. Bending helps the sheet metal to take a desired shape. In this blog post, we discuss in detail the intricacies of these different metalworking techniques, their roles in industrial application, and how they are combined and used in complex projects.

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